Thank you to everyone who supported our 2025 Art Show

Melway by Ria Tims

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ARTIST NOTES: This artwork is called “Melway”. It depicts a page which shows the streets, parks, railway stations and freeways. The Melway has been our loyal street directory for many years.

DIMENSIONS (Height - 81.00 cm X Width - 66.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Acrylic on Canvas
GENRE Abstract
REGISTERED NRN # 000-1381-0145-01


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Artist: Ria Tims


Ria Tims,

I am self taught but have taken several art classes with some well known artists. Including my favourite Walter Magilton, much admired.  Art is in my genes.Creativity is heritable

Being European and self taught, I could be classified as 'Une Naïve  Artiste" a common expression used in Europe which is often given to a self taught artist..It is certainly not a derogatory expression but it celebrates the perspective of an artist and rejects the insincere sophistication that is upheld as a core value within more traditional forms of art. To be a self taught artist is unique.Naïve Art is built on colour and well sought after in Europe, in essence I paint art that speaks to me, using colour and imagination.

Abstract Art changes how you think and feel and not easy to grasp, it is open to interpretation in a way that representational art is not. In abstract art we don't have to try and pinpoint an exact meaning for an image. Abstract Art is an art which is not representational.         

Art has always been a big part of my life as my father was also an artist. I am a descendant of the famous well known Flemish/Dutch artist Jan van Eyck, a heritage I am very proud of. Having been surrounded by artists and photographers all of my life has inspired me to be creative and original. It is never too late to pick up a brush and make art, inspiration comes from within.

I also have a passion for Suprematism and Cubism art, I adore the works of Kandinsky,Kazimir Malevich.Piet Mondrian and De Kooning.I have travelled extensively and have visited many museums and galleries all over the world and was especially excited to see the works of Kazimir  Malevich at the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. Amazing. 

I love painting in bright vivid and unusual colours and I therefore make up and mix a lot of my own.   Bright colours attract attention, they stand out from their surroundings. Colours can make us feel happy or sad, a typical psychological effect, I therefore find it difficult to paint in dark gloomy muted colour tones.          Bright and brilliant colours can have a powerful effect on our emotions in an art work.                                                                                                                

As Vincent Van Gogh once said "I want to paint what I feel, and feel what I paint" (I can relate to that) Another famous expression of his "Let the colours do the talking"     I have named one of my artworks just that. 


My works can be seen digitally on Gallery247, Instagram (RIA.TIMS.ART) Bluethumb, Google, Facebook.

I am a member of various Art Associations.


2022. Winner "Abstract Section"  Ringwood Art Society. Judged by Michael Goff

2022 Best Contemporary/abstract  Members Showcase RAS. Judged by Regina Hona

2023 Highly commended Contemporary/Abstract  judged by David Chen

2023 Highly Commended Landscrape Judged by Cathy Hamilton

2024 Bob Lewis Award Best Abstract Judged by Lee Machelak Brighton Art Society